These strategies encompass both offense and defense, and a well-executed game plan can often be the difference between victory and defeat.
It is possible to bet on kabaddi online at the 1xBet platform, where teams that use different strategies can be wagered too.

Raiding is the primary offensive aspect of kabaddi, where a single player, known as the raider, enters the opponent's half. Then, he should tag as many defenders as possible and return safely to their side. Effective raiding is crucial for accumulating points. There are 3 main strategies that raiders can use. They include:
- Bonus points;
- Do-or-die raids;
- Chain tackles.
Feel free to make a bet on online kabaddi at 1xBet on what strategy a player is likely to use. The 1st of those strategies are bonus points. Here raiders often attempt to secure bonus points by touching the opponent's defenders without getting caught. A bonus point is awarded when the raider crosses the bonus line and returns safely. The success rate of bonus point attempts varies, with some top raiders achieving a bonus success rate of over 80%.
In 2nd place we have do-or-die raids, where the raider must either secure a point or get caught by the defenders. The success rate of do-or-die raids is a critical statistic. Top raiders aim for a high success rate, often exceeding 50%.
Finally, in 3rd place, raiders can employ chain tackles to break through multiple defenders. A well-timed chain tackle involves the raider evading initial tackles and creating confusion among defenders. The number of chain tackles successfully completed is a crucial statistic for evaluating a raider's effectiveness.
Setting Up a Good Defense
Having spoken about the 1st major aspect of kabaddi, which is offense, we should now speak about the 2nd one, which is defense. There are 3 main strategies that can be used in this regard. The 1st of them is man-to-man marking. Defenders often use man-to-man marking to track specific raiders and attempt tackles. The number of successful tackles and the tackle strike rate (successful tackles divided by attempted tackles) are key defensive statistics. The kabaddi betting 1xBet can also be used to wager on the best defenders of this sport too.
The 2nd one is called dash and block. Here defenders employ techniques like dashing (forcefully pushing the raider out of bounds) and blocking (physically obstructing the raider's path) to stop raiders. Dash success rates and the number of successful blocks are monitored.
Finally, in 3rd place, teams use anti-raid strategies to thwart the opponent's raider. These strategies may involve forming a chain of defenders or cornering the raider near the boundary. The success of anti-raid tactics can be assessed by the number of empty raids (when the raider fails to score).
In addition to attack and defense, a 3rd major aspect that must be well-planned in kabaddi are team strategies. They involve coordinated efforts by both the raiders and defenders.
The 1st of those strategies are all-outs. Teams aim to inflict all-outs on the opponent by tagging all the defenders in a single raid. All-outs result in the team earning two extra points and forcing the opponent to restart with just one player. The frequency of all-outs and their impact on the match is a critical statistic.
Finally, managing the match clock is crucial, remembering that matches are usually 40 minutes long which are divided in 2 halves of 20 minutes each. Teams often aim to consume as much time as possible during their raids, especially when they are in the lead. Time management strategies are vital for controlling the pace of the game. The 1xBet platform allows kabaddi betting on everything that can happen on those 40 minutes of play too. It is also worth noting that captains play a role in how all these strategies are executed as well.
Aleksandra Djurdjevic
Senior Content Creator
Aleksandra Djurdjevic is a senior writer and editor, covering motorcycle adventures, biker tips and tricks and general exploring on two wheels. She has previously worked as ESL teacher for English Tochka. Aleksandra graduated from the Comparative Literature department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. Aleksandra’s love for the biking and adventure, getting out on the open road, year after year across the planet helps her continue to be a top expert at RMJ.