Trusted Components: Find the Right Parts for Your Vehicle

A vehicle is not a single block, a singular unit, but an incredibly complex machine made up of thousands of big and small, intricate parts, some of which are so integral to the car that.

When damaged, the entire vehicle may not run properly or even start.

Good maintenance is an integral part of owning pretty much any commodity but is doubly important with something as expensive and complex as a vehicle.

Timely maintenance ensures that your car remains in as pristine a condition as possible, and gives it longevity.

Maintenance is necessary because vehicle components, like most other things, go through the process of wear and tear, which is completely normal of course, but it is important to change those affected parts so the car does not get damaged in any way, which is where spare parts come in the clutch, pun intended.

This article is here to give you an overview of why quality parts are so important, how to find the right ones, and so on. 

Quality Comes First

set of tool wrench

You must select quality spare parts, otherwise the replacement is pretty much useless. Most low-quality parts come with a temptingly lower price tag attached, which may push you into making a purchase, but like any skilled auto mechanics will be able to tell you, this may prove hazardous for your car. Low-quality spare parts are obviously not up to industry standards, which means you will need to visit the mechanic more often.

Additionally, substandard spare parts can affect your car’s performance, with issues like increased fuel consumption, sluggish acceleration, and others rearing their heads.

Not only that, but they generally have a short lifespan which means you need to replace the parts even more frequently. You can probably see where this is going, you are saving money by spending a little more and just getting the high-quality spare parts. 


Scary to imagine, but replacing your car’s components with low-quality ones can put your, and any other passengers’, and bystanders’ safety at risk by leading to accidents, which is another reason why you want only quality ones. Airbags, for example, are an integral part of vehicle safety, and substandard ones probably are not going to be as effective as properly authorized ones. They may even actually hurt you and the other occupants in the car in the event of an accident, which would certainly defeat their entire purpose. The same goes for other parts, like spark plugs, drive belts, and air filters, all crucial parts of the engine that make sure it runs smoothly, and using subpar quality parts can cause severe damage to your vehicle. The risk is also not only limited to when you are driving, but even when the car is stationary, a malfunction may damage the engine, or in a nightmare scenario even set the engine on fire. 

Reputable Brands

man working under his car

The first thing to consider when shopping for car components is the brand.

Popular and reputable ones are your best options, as especially in a mechanical industry like this, you don’t get to that level without good reasons and a lot of history, and just advertising and money-pushing is not going to be enough to build a reputation like that.

Plus, big brands often offer warranties on their products, in case anything goes wrong, and you can just have it fixed or replaced, free of charge.

To find the right brands, you can just head online and read reviews, or ask friends and relatives or acquaintances for their recommendations. 

Your Dealer

Of course, if you just want the highest possible quality parts for your exact vehicle, you can just buy them directly from your car dealer, although they will of course, also be more expensive than if you bought the parts somewhere else. But, they will be of premium quality, and as the parts are specifically designed for your vehicle, they will fit perfectly and have more longevity. If you decide to buy from your dealer, make sure to check for any warranties they offer and get the parts in writing before you make any purchase. 

Know Your Options

You must know all your options when buying spare parts for your car. You can buy new parts, used parts, refurbished parts, rebuilt parts, and aftermarket parts; each has its pros and cons, so weigh your options carefully. New parts will obviously be the most costly but also tend to be of premium quality and are often covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, while rebuilt parts are certainly less expensive, but may not be as reliable or last as long as brand-new parts. You sacrifice some quality with refurbished parts, but get a cheaper option too, while aftermarket parts are generally the cheapest option, but also often not as compatible or reliable as genuine parts. 


Again, before making any big purchase, make sure you do plenty of research first, check out different brands, see what their customers say about them, and what their reputation is. Make sure the parts they offer are compatible with your vehicle and try to ask if they offer warranties on their products. Compare different prices for the same parts, and you may find an option that is still premium quality, but more affordable than your first option was. Even with something as “small” as a car component, given how important they can be, and sometimes how expensive too, you should do research and inquire into everything until you are comfortable making a decision, that hopefully won’t come back to curse your engine or airbags or what have you. Once you have the parts, even though some of them can be installed by yourself, it is still recommended to just bring the car to a professional mechanic and let him install them, preventing any mishaps or mistakes you might regret later. 

Your vehicle needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly, and that means the parts need to be replaced sometimes. Buying those parts is no small matter, as you saw, so follow these steps to make sure it all goes well.

Author - Fred Felton
Fred Felton          

Content Creator / Editor

Fred Felton is a copywriter, editor and social media specialist based in Durban, South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in creating high end content. He has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. Currently Fred specialises in the motorbiking adventure space, focussing on all types of biking both on and offroad. He is also a keynote speaker and has presented talks and workshops in South Africa.


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