Regardless of whether you’re riding a motorcycle or driving a vehicle, you want to receive compensation for your damages if you’re involved in an accident.
However, receiving the maximum value of your accident claim isn’t always easy. If you’re wondering if this is something you should be concerned with, the accident rate in Sin City is a little startling. 19,891 traffic accidents in Las Vegas were reported in 2022.
Thankfully, the majority of these accidents didn’t result in fatalities but injuries were still present. If you’re involved in a Las Vegas car crash, there’s a good chance you’re eligible to receive compensation for your damages. However, to receive the maximum value of your claim, there are a few steps you should follow. Skipping any of the following steps probably isn’t going to affect your ability to file a claim, but it can limit its overall value.
How to Maximize the Value of Your Car Accident Claim
Just to be clear. Maximizing the value of a personal injury claim after a car accident doesn’t mean padding your damages. This is often considered illegal and you don’t want to wind up dealing with possible insurance fraud charges.
Maximizing a personal injury claim only means you’re taking steps to help ensure you receive enough compensation to cover all of your subsequent damages.
Report the Vehicle Accident
Like most states, Nevada doesn’t require immediate reporting for all car accidents. You can skip calling the authorities if there aren’t any injuries or fatalities present.
The accident also doesn’t need to be immediately reported if property damage expenses are under $750, you may also be able to legally skip reporting the vehicle collision.
Since most property repairs run over $700, this can even include replacing a dented bumper, almost all accidents must be reported in Las Vegas.
Waiting around for the authorities to show up after a minor vehicle collision can be frustrating, but it must be done.
You can easily exchange insurance information with the at-fault driver and go on about your day. Once again, as long as there aren’t any injuries, fatalities, or extensive property damage, leaving the accident scene can be perfectly legal.
You may save some time by not waiting for the authorities, but you may also be reducing the value of your accident claim. The responding authorities can learn a lot about the accident by investigating the scene. This can also help determine fault, something that may come up if you don’t immediately report the accident. The other driver’s insurance adjuster may try to shift some or all of the accident blame on you.
The accident report also serves as proof the incident occurred. You’re going to need to submit a copy of the report with your personal injury claim. You can usually pick up a copy of your accident report around seven to ten days after the accident. You can either head to the nearest police precinct or request a copy online.
See Medical Attention
Even a minor car collision can result in injuries. Everything from the force of the impact to an airbag inflating can cause injuries.
You may feel fine immediately after the accident, but this doesn’t mean you should skip seeing a healthcare professional. You may have internal bleeding or soft tissue damage, and these types of injuries can take days or even weeks before symptoms become apparent.
Seeking medical attention is not only being proactive about your health, but it can also help protect the value of your personal injury claim. You don’t want to file a claim or accept compensation without knowing the full extent of your injuries.
Your medical appointment also documents your injuries and this can be crucial in proving the extent of your damages.
Gather Evidence
Okay, you’re not getting ready to act the part of a crime scene investigator. You’re also not playing the role of a skilled detective. If you’re a mystery buff, don’t get too excited, you’re not solving a crime. You’re only documenting the accident scene to help protect the value of your personal injury claim.
Your goal is only to gather evidence that can help support your version of the accident. Remember, if you’re to blame for the vehicle collision don’t try to hide or destroy this type of evidence. Tampering with evidence can be a criminal offense and it’s not a charge you want to incur. The charge can also work to reduce the value of your accident claim.
All you should do is grab your cell phone or tablet. You only need a handheld device equipped with a built-in camera. If you have a digital camera, go ahead and grab it. As long as the device takes pictures, you’re good to go.
Take pictures of any damage to your vehicle but don’t worry about the other involved driver. Emotions are often running high after an accident, and you don’t want to get into an altercation with other drivers. If possible, take pictures of where your vehicle ended up after the accident. Your vehicle’s position can help determine fault. Take a few pictures of any visible injuries and those of any passengers in your vehicle.
Gathering Witnesses and Footage
If there are any witnesses to the accident, get their contact information. However, don’t go into detail about the accident. The at-fault driver’s insurance company is going to talk to these witnesses. Anything you say can be used to try and reduce the value of your car accident claim.
Remember to check and see if there are any surveillance cameras in the area. Most businesses are equipped with video surveillance systems, and this also applies to residences. Even something as simple and effective as a doorbell camera can still capture images of the accident, and the same applies to traffic cameras.
Don’t request the footage, you may not have the legal right to view someone’s surveillance system. Just make a note of the camera’s location and let your attorney request the rootage. This way, you’re following the law and not risking the value of your personal injury claim.
Talk to an Experienced Accident Attorney Today
If you want to ensure you receive fair compensation for your Las Vegas car accident, it’s a good idea to work with an experienced attorney.
Your attorney can help ensure you receive maximum compensation while you focus on recovering from your injuries. They have the knowledge and experience needed that can really impact the outcome of your case.
Olivia Poglianich
Content Strategist
Olivia Poglianich is a nomadic brand strategist and copywriter in the motorcycling and adventure space who has worked with brands such as Visa, Disney and Grey Goose. Her writing has taken her all over the world, from a Serbian music festival to a Malaysian art and culture event. Olivia is a graduate of Cornell University and is often writing or reading about travel, hospitality, the start-up ecosystem or career coaching. Her latest interests are at the intersection of web3 and communal living, both on and offline.